Founding member Suzanne Barrett's book "Late Harvest," a good old-fashioned romance set in the wine country of northern California, is just out in a new trade paperback edition! I had read it before, but even so, in re-reading this novel I found I could not put it down! Honestly--I kept putting off cooking dinner for just one more chapter.
This is a beautifully written work, chock full of meticulously researched wine-making lore.
Amazon Print
Amazon Kindle
Barnes and Noble Nook e-book
Multiple format e-book at Smashwords
This is a beautifully written work, chock full of meticulously researched wine-making lore.
Amazon Print
Amazon Kindle
Barnes and Noble Nook e-book
Multiple format e-book at Smashwords
Somewhere, I think I have a copy of this book. I really will have to dig it out of wherever it is hiding.
Yes, it was one of my favorites. I'm so glad Suzanne has it out again.