In 2009 I did two things for myself. I joined a local writing group and I joined the Monterey Bay RWA. Both have been life-changing events.
My writing group kept me on track. For the first time in decades, without the obstacles of difficult children, treks to hospitals and juvenile courts, husbands who needed to be ex-husbands, and Corporate America, I kept a writing schedule. For the first time in my life I completed a novel.
RWA members taught me how to write a novel. They encouraged, suggested, red-penned, critiqued and didn't hold their punches. At the same time, they were always in my corner, urging me to keep going, keep developing my craft, and keep sweating the small stuff. Maureen O. Betita and Cat Grant dragged me to RT the beginning of April where the miracle occurred--I pitched well enough to get requests for manuscripts.
This morning I sent off the novel. I am proud of the work I did and I'm grateful for the groups I joined. Thank you.
My writing group kept me on track. For the first time in decades, without the obstacles of difficult children, treks to hospitals and juvenile courts, husbands who needed to be ex-husbands, and Corporate America, I kept a writing schedule. For the first time in my life I completed a novel.
RWA members taught me how to write a novel. They encouraged, suggested, red-penned, critiqued and didn't hold their punches. At the same time, they were always in my corner, urging me to keep going, keep developing my craft, and keep sweating the small stuff. Maureen O. Betita and Cat Grant dragged me to RT the beginning of April where the miracle occurred--I pitched well enough to get requests for manuscripts.
This morning I sent off the novel. I am proud of the work I did and I'm grateful for the groups I joined. Thank you.
Many congratulations on a) completing your novel; b) going to RT; c) pitching it; and, of course d) submitting it. My fingers are crossed that it's accepted.
May I ask what your title is?
Sorry it took so long to get back! Didn't know this question was out here.
The title of the manuscript is California Sunset. Unfortunately, so far the editor and one agent have sent nice rejections. The good news is that the first 25 pages have finaled in the San Diego RWA contest!
Read more about my ups and downs as an aspiring author here: Stories About Love blog.