July 25, 2011

Last week I received a touching tribute to my writing. Most of my short stories end up as novels, but I did sell a couple fairy-tale themes to mytholog.com in 2003 and 2005.

I was waiting in the doctor's office when I got a call from my cousin Mary Alice's daughter, Pam, that her mother had just died after a long illness. They live in Massachusetts and we haven't been close in years--just exchanged Christmas cards--but she was Force of Nature who did everything 200% and was active almost to the end.

In a subsequent e-mails, Pam said that her mother died at home, under Hospice care, with four generations of family around her. In her last days, they read her one of my stories, "A Maiden's Heart," and it was as if I were there. Pam wasn't sure her mother was aware until she opened her eyes and laughed aloud.

I could not ask for a greater tribute to my work.

Posted by Christie Maurer at 9:14 AM
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On July 27, 2011 at 11:14 AM , said...

That is quite nice.